Page-3 of Arabian Sea

IMD Predicts near Normal Southwest Monsoon Season Rainfall for 2019

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) predicts near-normal monsoon, at 96% of long period average. IMD in its first stage operational forecast for the southwest monsoon season (June to September) rainfall has made the following predictions: The South-west monsoon seasonal (June to September) rainfall over ..


Decolourisation of River Periyar

The River Periyar in Kerala is again witnessing the decolourisation. The decolourisation of River Periyar which provides drinking water to Kochi city and adjoining areas has become the cause of worry for the people and government of Kerala. The water ..


Vipin Anand Monday newly appointed Managing Director of LIC

Vipin Anand Monday has recently taken charge as the new Managing Director (MD) of the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC). Prior to this, he was in charge of LIC’s western zone, comprising of 23 divisions, covering the states of ..

United States clinchs a strategic port deal with Oman

The United States has recently clinched a strategic port deal with Oman that allow American ships and warplanes to take advantage of two Arabian Sea ports of Duqm and Salalah located near strategic Strait of Hormuz. The framework agreement is ..

National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP)

The Union home ministry recently sanctioned the launch of the National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP) from a campus of Gujarat’s Fisheries Research Centre located in coastal Okha in the newly created Devbhoomi Dwarka district. It is the first-of-its-kind institution of the ..

Port of Duqm

The Port of Duqm is strategically located situated on southeastern seaboard of Oman, overlooking Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. It is straddled along critical sea lanes in  Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden. It is located in close proximity to ..

Leads Index

Logistics Ease Across Different States (LEADS) is a composite indicator to assess international trade logistics across States/UTs. It is based on stakeholders’ survey conducted by Deloitte for Ministry of Commerce and Industry. It is calculated based on eight parameters such ..

Paschim Lehar: Tri-service maritime exercise concludes

Tri-service maritime exercise Paschim Lehar conducted by Indian Navy concluded off western coast in Arabian Sea. The objective of the exercise was to build interoperability between Indian Navy, Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Coast Guard. Key Facts The three-week ..


ONGC discovers oil in Arabian sea near Mumbai High

State-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) has made oil discovery in WO-24-3 well located west of Mumbai High fields in Arabian Sea. The well is estimated to hold in-place reserve of about 20 million tonnes. The new discovery comes ..


Tropical Cyclone Chapala hits Yemen triggering heavy floods

A rare tropical Cyclone Chapala has slammed into Yemen triggering heavy flooding and causing damage in coastal region of the war racked country. The cyclone made landfall in the south eastern provinces of Hadramawt and Shabwa along the Gulf of ..
