Swaran Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna

  • The Urban Self-Employment Program and the Urban Wage Employment Program are two special schemes of the SJSRY initiated in December 1997, which replaced various programs operated earlier for urban poverty alleviation.
  • Between the Centre and the States, SJSRY is funded on a 75:25 basis. During 2002-03, the full allocation of Rs.105 crore provided for various components of this program was released. For 2003-04, an allocation of Rs.94.50 crore plus Rs. 10.5 crore for North East and Sikkim was provided for various components of this program. The expenditure during 2003-04 was Rs. 105 crore.

Update : November 12, 2009

Swarna jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojna has been comprehensively revamped by the Union Housing & Urban Poverty Alleviation ministry as per a press release by PIB on November 12, 2009. The new scheme has commenced from 2009-2010. SJSRY will have five major components:

  1. Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP)
  2. Urban Women Self-help Programme (UWSP)
  3. Skill Training for Employment Promotion amongst Urban Poor (STEP-UP)
  4. Urban Wage Employment Programme (UWEP)
  5. Urban Community Development Network (UCDN)

The following major changes have been effected in the scheme:

  1. For the beneficiary under the Urban Self Employment Programme (USEP) component of the Scheme, the education limit criteria of “not educated beyond 9th standard” has been removed and now no minimum or maximum educational qualification level has been prescribed for the purpose of eligibility of assistance.
  2. For the self-employment (individual category), the project cost ceiling has been enhanced to Rs. 2.00 Lakhs from the existing Rs. 50000/- and the subsidy has also been enhanced to 25% of the project cost (subject to a maximum of Rs. 50000/-), from the existing 15% of the project cost (subject to a maximum of Rs. 7500/-).
  3. For the group enterprises set up by urban poor women, the subsidy has been made as 35% of the project cost or Rs. 300,000/- or Rs. 60,000/- per member of the Group, whichever is less. The minimum number required to form a women group has been reduced from 10 to 5. The revolving fund entitlement per member has also been enhanced from the existing Rs. 1000/- to Rs. 2000/-.
  4. The Skill Training of the urban poor component has been restructured and quality skill training will be provided to the urban poor linking it with certification, imparted preferably on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode, with the involvement of reputed institutions like IITs, NITs, Poly-techniques, ITIs, other reputed agencies etc. The average expenditure ceiling per trainee has been enhanced from the Rs. 2600/- to Rs. 10000/-.

Central Allocation under SJSRY has been enhanced to Rs 515 Crores in 2009-10.

with inputs from PIB


  1. Ravi Ranjan

    April 3, 2014 at 12:22 pm

    l want to know about this

    • Ramakant namdev

      May 5, 2015 at 5:19 pm

      I want to know about this


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