TNPSC Recruitment 2018 for Civil Judge Posts

Tamilnadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has invited online applications for filing up the posts of Civil Judge. The last date to apply for these posts is 07th May 2018.  Total number of vacant posts is 320 and the breakup is given below. The candidates should have the requisite educational qualifications as given below. The upper age limit for these posts is 40 years with relaxation applicable for different categories.  All the other important details are given in the notification, the link is given at the end of the post. The interested candidates can apply online directly using the link given below.

About the Vacancies

  • Civil Judge: 320 posts

Educational Qualification

  1. The candidates must possess a Degree in Law of a University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission, or any other equivalent qualification and enrolled in the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu or in the Bar Council of any other State in India
  2. Candidate must be practicing as an Advocate or Pleader in any Court on the date of Notification for recruitment to the post and must have so practiced for a period of not less than 3 years on such
  3. Candidate must be an Assistant Public Prosecutor having not less than 3 years of experience as an Advocate and / or Assistant Public Prosecutor.

For Fresh Law Graduates :

  1. Candidate must be a fresh Law Graduate possessing a degree in Law from a recognized University
  2. Candidate must be eligible to be enrolled as an advocate
  3. Candidate  must have secured an overall percentage of marks in acquiring the Bachelor’s Degree of Law as below:- (a) 45% Marks in case of Reserved Categories (i.e SCs, SC(A)s, STs, MBCs/DCs, BCs(OBCMs) and BCMs). (b) 50% Marks in case of Open Category (i.e Others).
  4. Must have obtained the Bachelor’s Degree of Law with in a period of three years prior to the date of notification

Age Limit

  • Minimum age is 25 years and Maximum age is 40 years

Pay Scale

  • Rs.27,700-44770/- per month

Application Fee

  • General : Rs 150/- + 500/-
  • Reserved: Nil

Last Date

  • 07th May 2018

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