History of Vaccines

1796Edward Jenner develops and documents first vaccine for smallpox.
1880First vaccine for cholera by Louis Pasteur
1885First vaccine for rabies by Louis Pasteur and Émile Roux
1890First vaccine for tetanus (serum antitoxin) by Emil von Behring
1896First vaccine for typhoid fever by Almroth Edward Wright, Richard Pfeiffer, and Wilhelm Kolle
1897First vaccine for bubonic plague by Waldemar Haffkine
1921First vaccine for tuberculosis by Albert Calmette
1923First vaccine for diphtheria by Gaston Ramon, Emil von Behring and Kitasato Shibasaburō
1924First vaccine for scarlet fever by George F. Dick and Gladys Dick
1924First inactive vaccine for tetanus (tetanus toxoid, TT) by the French Gaston Ramon, C. Zoeller and P. Descombey
1926First vaccine for pertussis (whooping cough) by Leila Denmark
1932First vaccine for yellow fever by Max Theiler and Jean Laigret
1937First vaccine for typhus by Rudolf Weigl, Ludwik Fleck and Hans Zinsser
1937First vaccine for influenza by Anatol Smorodintsev
1941First vaccine for tick-borne encephalitis
1952First vaccine for polio (Salk vaccine)
1954First vaccine for Japanese encephalitis
1954First vaccine for anthrax
1957First vaccine for adenovirus-4 and 7
1962First oral polio vaccine (Sabin vaccine)
1963First vaccine for measles
1967First vaccine for mumps
1970First vaccine for rubella
1977First vaccine for pneumonia (Streptococcus pneumoniae)
1978First vaccine for meningitis (Neisseria meningitidis)
1980Smallpox declared eradicated worldwide due to vaccination efforts
1981First vaccine for hepatitis B (first vaccine to target a cause of cancer)
1984First vaccine for chicken pox
1985First vaccine for Haemophilus influenzae type b (HiB)
1989First vaccine for Q fever
1990First vaccine for Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
1991First vaccine for hepatitis A
1998First vaccine for Lyme disease
1998First vaccine for rotavirus
2003First nasal influenza vaccine approved in U.S. (FluMist)
2003First vaccine for Argentine hemorrhagic fever.
2006First vaccine for human papillomavirus (which is a cause of cervical cancer)
2012First vaccine for hepatitis E
2012First quadrivalent (4-strain) influenza vaccine
2015First vaccine for enterovirus 71, one cause of hand foot mouth disease
2015First vaccine for malaria
2015First vaccine for dengue fever
2019First vaccine for Ebola approved
2020First vaccine for COVID-19.

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