Time for India campaign
The Time for India campaign was launched by Sweden. The campaign aims to boost the bilateral trade between India and Sweden. It was launched in November 2021.
About Time for India campaign
- The Time for India campaign is a trade promotion event.
- It is to be held in Sweden
- It includes roadshows, seminars and discussions.
- The campaign provides insights into India focusing on its different markets and sectors.
- The campaign will discuss opportunities that are available in the Indian market
- It will exchange notes on how to strengthen the Indian business strategies based on the recent economic developments.
Aim of the campaign
The campaign aims to address the opportunities that are available for Indian companies in Sweden and also the opportunities that are available for the Sweden companies in India.
Goal of the campaign
The main goal of the campaign is to increase the bilateral trade investments between India and Sweden. India is the third largest trade partner of Sweden in Asia after China and Japan. Also, India is 19th largest export market of Sweden. The major Swedish exports to India are motor vehicles, communication equipment, pharmaceuticals, paper and pulp products, engineering and chemical products. The campaign aims to boost these exports. The major imports of Sweden from India are textiles and garments, food products.