Thousands of migratory birds dead in Sambhar Salt Water Lake, Rajasthan

Thousands of migratory birds were found dead near Sambhar lake in Rajasthan. This is the second time such incident has occurred in a week. The birds belonged to 15 speicies. It included Pied Avocet, Northern Shoveller, Kentish Plover, Brahminy Duck and Tufted Duck. The samples have been sent to the National Institute of Higher Security Animal Diseases, Bhopal.

Scientists say that the birds have died at different times. This means that there could be poisoning or an avian disease.

Sambhar Lake

The lake is the largest inland saltwater lake in India. It spreads over 190 to 230 square kilo meters in Jaipur district, Rajasthan. Every year more than a lakh of migratory birds visit the lake.

However, the recent development activities in the region, especially extension of salt pan operations have led to lesser number of migratory birds coming to the lake. Also, the Birds are now migrating a month earlier as compared to their usual migratory time.


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