The HCF and LCM of two number are 13 and 455 respectively. If one of the number is lies between 75 and 125, then that number is :

The HCF and LCM of two number are 13 and 455 respectively. If one of the number is lies between 75 and 125, then that number is :

HCF = 13
Let the numbers be 13x and 13y, where x and y are co-prime to each other.
∴ LCM = 13xy
∴ 13xy = 455
$latex \therefore xy = \frac{455}{13} = 35 = 5\times 7&s=1$
∴ Numbers are 13 $latex \times$ 5 = 65 and 13 $latex \times$ 7 = 91
Hence option [B] is correct answer.

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