TERI: India’s Steel Demand to increase carbon emissions by 600 MT

On January 31, 2020, at the World Sustainable Development Summit released its report on India’s Steel Demand. According to the report, if the steel demand of the country continues to grow, the carbon-dioxide emissions from the steel sector will reach 600 million tonnes by 2050.


The TERI released its report titled, “Towards a Low Carbon Steel Sector: Overview of the Changing Market, Technology and Policy Context for Indian Steel”. According to the report, the current carbon-dioxide emissions from steel sector is 242 Million Tonnes. This is 35% of total carbon dioxide emissions of the country. It is to quadruple in three to four decades.

Suggestions made by the report

In order to manage the increase in steel demand emissions, India should start increasing the use of domestic scrap and deploy energy efficiency measures. The report also recommends establishing low carbon technologies. It also expects that the decarbonization technologies that are in the demonstration stage will reach commercial markers in next 20 years.

TERI also suggests penalty for emissions starting from 2030. This will force industries to adopt deeper decarbonization technologies.


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