Telangana police launches mobile-based messenger application “Cop Connect” to provide real time information to police officers across State

The Telangana police have launched a mobile-based messenger application “COP CONNECT’ to provide real time information to over 60,000 police officers across the State. The app will also support the police department in improving quality of service delivered to public. The app has been developed based on police’s internal communication strategy, which will enable the entire workforce to pro-actively engage and pass real time information in seconds.Unlike WhatsApp groups which are restricted to only 256 participants, in Cop Connect, one can add any number of groups in a single group. Apart from the text, the internal messaging app will enable to share images, audio, video files and documents. One can also share their current location in the app. It also has an iMeeting option, which will help in creating and scheduling department meeting and setting reminders. The app can be used both offline and online and one can transfer unlimited data.


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