Telangana: New Mesolithic site discovered

A prehistoric rock paintings site, dating back at least 10,000 to 30,000 years was recently discovered on private land at Kasipeta in Yadadri Bhuvanagiri district (Telangana).

The rock paintings belong to which period?

Mesolithic age.

Who discovered the site?

Members of Kotha Telangana Charitha Brundam (New Telangana History Group).

What paintings were found at the site?

Paintings include four bison, two men, and an animal resembling a horse. The paintings are in red ochre.

What other things were found at the site?

The members of the group found microlith rock tools, a cairn cyst, and a menhir in the vicinity of the site. Evidence of pre-historic iron melting was also identified by the group in a nearby cave.

What is menhir?

A menhir is a large man-made upright stone usually of prehistoric origin. They are found across Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are found all across India. They are erected in memory of a dead person and for other reasons.

What is the Mesolithic age?

The mesolithic age, also known as Middle Stone Age, existed between the Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) and Neolithic Age (New Stone Age). In India, Mesolithic age spanned around 9,000 B.C. to 4,000 B.C.

What are the main characteristics of the Mesolithic age?

  • Small tools like spearheads, arrowheads, etc. were invented during this age.
  • Taming the dogs for hunting purposes was started in this period.
  • Mesolithic age people were still food collectors and not food producers.

What is the other name for the Mesolithic age?

The mesolithic age is also known as Microlithic Age. This is because of the dominance of microliths.

What are Microliths?

Microliths are small stone tools usually made of flint or chert and are generally one to five centimeters long and around half a centimeter wide.



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