Telangana government signs pact with Tech Mahindra to establish India’s first Blockchain district

The Telangana government has signed pact with Tech Mahindra to establish the Blockchain district in Hyderabad, a first-of-its-kind Centre of Excellence for Blockchain. The MoU was signed during the 3-day International congress at HICC in Hyderabad. Initially it would be a virtual cluster, connecting with the stakeholders working in the emerging technology. It would have a physical building at a later phase. Tech Mahindra, as a founding member of the Blockchain district, will provide platform and technology assistance to all the incubators in the district. Eleven01 Foundation will develop an India-specific protocol that will define the standards for usage of Blockchain. Besides, the International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad (IIIT-H) will make part of its protocol development research to the virtual cluster of Blockchain district.


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