Target 2016-17 Members among top 10

Dear Members,

Congratulations to everyone who could make it to the final list. In our group (registered in Target 2016/17), top rankers are Saumya Pandey, AIR-4 and Bilal Bhat (AIR-10).  Both of them have achieved the success with their own hard work, persistence and dedication.

Other members who could clear the examination, are requested to intimate (if they find it suitable to intimate us), either by commenting here or by sending email.

Update:  We congratulate all the 19 members of Target 2016/17 to have cleared the examination successfully. For a teacher, failure of many overshadows the joy of passing a few; and due to this we don’t beat the drums. If there is any student standing where I was standing twenty years back (nowhere to go after UPSC debacle) and looking for some temporary work avenue to sustain without much obligations, please feel free to get in touch.




  1. aadityamishra08

    June 1, 2017 at 12:15 pm

    sir I got AIR 309 and I am a member of target programme. Thanks for all the hard work and help.

    Aaditya Mishra

  2. GKToday

    June 1, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    Congrats Aditya and thanks for making us proud.

  3. rameshm05672

    June 3, 2017 at 11:16 pm

    Sir, I have got AIR 597. Thank you very much for the support. Regards. M Ramesh.

  4. GKToday

    June 4, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    Hello Ramesh, Congratulations for your success and wish you all the best. Are you appearing again this year?

  5. Bilalbhat

    June 7, 2017 at 7:26 pm

    Thank you sir for your guidance. I have religiously read all your documents.. thanks for all efforts and hard work you put to make your documents relevant,updated and exam oriented..
    Bilal Mohiuddin Bhat
    AIR 10

  6. Akhilesh Kumar

    June 18, 2017 at 1:30 pm



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