T.N. Draft Policy for Senior Citizens

The Tamil Nadu Government has created a draft policy for senior citizens. Under the policy, the government plans to work with academic institutions, field experts and civil society organizations. The policy has been created based on Article 41 of the constitution.

Key Features of the policy

The policy will focus on social security schemes, health and nutrition, income security, safety, livelihood, safety housing and environment, education, disaster management and research and documentation. It aims to create Directorate for the welfare of the senior citizens.

The policy also speaks about providing livelihood training, formation of elderly self – help groups, capacity building for senior citizens. Also, it will address the security issues of the old age people. It is to create a banking assistance programmes and create a system of rescue centre for victims.

Need for the policy

The life expectancy of the state has increased. And the problem of abandonment in the state is increasing. This is mainly due to the improved health care in the state. According to the report released by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme implementation, “Elderly in India, 2021”, 13.6% of the population in Tamil Nadu is senior citizens. Tamil Nadu has the second largest number of senior citizens in India next to Kerala. Also, it is predicted that the senior citizen population is to increase to 18.2% by 2031.


The state of Tamil Nadu believes that the senior citizen should be allowed to lead. It is essential to facilitate inter – generational transfer of knowledge. With this the young people can learn from the experience of their seniors.

Article 41

It speaks about right to work, right to public assistance and right to education. The article also says that the state government shall make the required provisions to secure right to work, public assistance and right to education in cases of old age, unemployment, sickness, disablement and in other cases as in favour of the under privileged. However, the actions should be within the economic capacity of the state.



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