Syria Presidential Election

On May 26, 2021, Syria is to hold Presidential elections. The elections are due in April 2021 according to Syrian Election Law.

Syria Constitution

Syria is a unitary republic. President of Syria is the national level head of the state and legislature. In 2012, Syria approved a new constitution. The new constitution introduced a multi party system in Syria after a referendum. It introduced presidential elections and limited the term of office of president to seven years with a maximum of one re-election. Previously, according to the Syria Constitution, 1973, Syria was a one-party state.

Syrian Civil War

  • Syria has been facing civil war since 2011. The war displaced millions of Syrians. In 2011, Arab spring started in Tunisia and spread to several other countries including Syria. Arab spring was pro-democracy uprisings. Some were peaceful and in some countries the Arab Spring was violent.
  • In Syria, the Government retaliated strongly against these protestors. It led to a sectarian divide in the country. The Syria civil war is still ongoing.
  • The civil war was also joined by the ISIS that had several parts of the country.
  • The Global Peace Index, 2020, ranked Syria to 162 out of 163 countries.
  • According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, more than 6.6 million Syrians have fled their country.

India on Syrian crisis

India has been supporting President Bashar al-Assad. India’s support to Assad is largely seen as a reciprocation for Syria’s stance that Kashmir is a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan.

Other Countries on Syrian crisis

Russia has also been supporting Assad. The only Mediterranean naval base of Russia is located in Syria. Iran sees Assad Government as its closest ally.

Sunni Powers like Saudi Arabia support the rebels in Syria. USA provides military assistance to the rebels in the country. Turkey supports the rebels. However, it is against the US support in the country.


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