Sustainable Sold Waste Processing Facility developed by CSIR-CMERI

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)-Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI) has developed Solid Waste Processing facility.


The facility has helped to achieve decentralized decimation of solid waste. Also, it will help in creating value added products. The main objective of the system is to unburden the segregation responsibilities. This is achieved by adopting advanced segregation techniques. Also, the system has adopted Bio-Digestion process as it has minimum pollution factor.

The facility has special features such as segregating wastes such as masks, diapers, sanitary napkins, etc. Also, it has disinfection capabilities that help to break COVID-19 chain. This is achieved through Ultra Violet C radiation and by adopting hot-air convection methods. The facility runs on solar energy.

About the Technology

The solid waste processing facility uses plasma arc for solid waste disposal. It converts wastes into plasma state. This residue obtained is rich in carbon and is used in agriculture as fertilizer and also to make bricks for construction purpose.

Windrow Composting Procedure

This is the procedure that is being used currently. However, it is labour intensive and has several restricted utilisation due to presence of heavy metals. Also, management of the system becomes difficult during rainy season. It requires more land space.

Therefore, the new technique is to be adopted. The Windrow Composting Procedure was planned to be in practice between 2013 and 2016.


This technique is used as alternate to the Windrow Composting Procedure. Here, bio gas is produced from weeds, vermi-composting of slurry from plant processes, etc.


Pyrolysis is a process where plastics is converted into gas and fuel. It is an environment-friendly process. Here the conversion is conducted in an anaerobic chamber.


The CSIR-CMERI intends to establish a Decentralised Waste Management Technology in the country. It can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, fuel usage. Apart from creating jobs, it will help achieve Zero-landfill and Zero waste.


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