Suspension of MPs in Lok Sabha

The Speaker of the Lok Sabha recently suspended 7 members of the Parliament for the remainder of the Budget Session.

Suspension of an MP in Lok Sabha

The power to suspend an MP is vested with the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. This is a part of the Speaker’s role in maintaining the order of the House to ensure its smooth function. Apart from suspension, the Speaker can also force the member to withdraw from the House for the remaining part of the day. Previous Speakers have also used means like directing television cameras to focus on the demonstrating members.

Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business

Rules 373, 374 and 374A of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business are used by the Speaker to deal with disorderly conduct of MPs. The rule 373 gives the Speaker the power to order the MP to withdraw from the House for the day. The rule 374 is used for more unruly members and leads to suspension. The rule 374A was introduced to skirt the need for moving and adopting a motion for suspension.

Provisions for Rajya Sabha

The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha is empowered to order an MP to withdraw from the House for the rest of the day through rule 255 of its Rule Book. He/ she can also suspend the member by using a motion that’s to be passed by the House. However, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha does not have the power to suspend a member, unlike the Speaker.

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