Surya Kiran-XIII: India-Nepal joint military exercise concludes in Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand

The thirteenth edition of India-Nepal joint military exercise was held at Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand from 30 May to 12 June 2018. The joint military exercise was aimed at further enhancing and strengthening level of defence cooperation between the two neighbouring nations.

Key Facts

Surya Kiran-XIII exercise saw participation of nearly 300 soldiers from both Indian and Nepal Army. They shared their experiences gained during conduct of various counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in past. The aim of 14 days joint military exercise was to conduct battalion level joint training with emphasis on counter terrorism operations in mountainous terrain under United Nations (UN) mandate. It also included various aspects of disaster management and joint effort towards relief work. It also promoted understanding and inter-operability between two armies, further cementing ties between the two neighbouring nations.

Surya Kiran Exercise

Surya Kiran series of bilateral military exercises are conducted bi-annually (every six months), alternatively in India and Nepal. It is largest exercise in terms of troop’s participation in series of military training exercises undertaken by India with various countries. It aims at promoting military relations and increasing interoperability armies of both countries. 12th edition of this exercise was held at Nepal Army Battle School (NABS) in Saljhandi, Nepal in September 2017.


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