Suppression of Extremists

By this time (1907-08), not less than 7 acts were passed by the British Government in a hurry. The objectives of these acts are evident from their titles. Some of these were:

  1. Prevention of Seditious Meetings act : it was passed in 1907
  2. Explosive Substance Act : it was passed in 1908
  3. The Newspaper (Incitement to Offences) Act 1908: This act was passed and provided to confiscate the press if it published anything against the Government and incited the public outrage.

    The result was that the Extremists were suppressed. They were not in position to organize a strong political party in that time.

  • Arubindo Ghosh, one of the extremists left the ground and went to Pondicherry.
  • Bipin Chandra Pal also left the politics temporarily.
  • Lala Lajpat Rai went to England.

    The idea of extremist nationalism was put down temporarily. It later rose as Militant Nationalism.

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