Super Duplex Stainless Steel developed by SAIL

The Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has been able to achieve the capability of developing Super Duplex Stainless Steel in SS 32205 grade at its Salem Steel Plant. This marks a major technological breakthrough for the company and with this, it has joined the very few such steel-makers who have developed this grade of steel. So far, India has imported this kind of steel.

What is Super Duplex Resistant Steel?

Super Duplex Resistant Steel is superior in quality in terms of corrosion resistance with higher strength and formability. Due to these characteristics, it can be effectively used in various applications in corrosion affected areas, especially in chemical processing equipment, oil and gas exploration, pulp and paper industries, food processing equipment and bio-fuel plants.

These require steel with 3 per cent molybdenum and the earlier version of this steel had 0.4 per cent molybdenum. SAIL has now enriched its total capacity and will be now able to cater to high-end steel requirement in the country.

The high corrosion resistance quality in this kind of steel is due to the presence of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen in the steel. This kind of steel also has higher yield strength, almost twice that of standard austenitic steel providing flexibility to use the steel in thinner gauges for the same strength.


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