Subscribe to Current Affairs Today for Daily Current Affairs Quiz
Dear Readers,
As you are aware that since 2012, we have been publishing a current affairs quiz every alternative day in gktoday. This quiz is published keeping in focus the fact based trivia questions asked in exams like SSC, Banking, IBPS, CLAT and other such recruitment examinations.
This is to let you know that our daily current affairs quiz will be discontinued from GKToday website from 1st February 2017 and will be shifted to our Current Affairs Today section at This move is aimed at making our Current Affairs related material under one section and is one of the important changes in our website, allowing us to make this content available on android app also in near future.
So, If you would like to continue receiving email alerts about daily quiz, daily current affairs digest and other content, you are requested to please subscribe Current Affairs Today on this page.
Thanks for your continued support.

abhishek soni
July 27, 2017 at 10:44 pmvery nice
himanshu sharma
July 28, 2017 at 4:30 pmnice