Study indicates that even Non-obese and lean Indians are also prone to type 2 diabetes

A new study has revealed that contrary to popular belief, not only obese and overweight but also non-obese and lean persons may be prone to type 2 diabetes. The study indicates that nearly 20 to 30 per cent suffering from diabetes are non-obese and even some are lean.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way body metabolizes sugar (glucose). With Type 2 diabetes body either resists the effects of insulin, a hormone that regulates the movement of sugar into your cells or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain normal glucose levels.

The popular belief was that obesity and sedentary lifestyle are considered to be the main pivotal factors for insulin resistance and consequent diabetes. The new study has busted this myth that increasing obesity alone is the main causative factor.

Why the Non-obese and lean Indians are prone to diabetes?

The study notes that non-obese (BMI below 25) and even lean (BMI below 19) Indians have high body fat, excess fat in the liver and skeletal muscles and lesser skeletal muscle mass.
More importantly, a large number of non-obese and lean Indians has ectopic fat in liver and pancreas which may contribute to insulin resistance leading to diabetes even in young age.


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