Strategy to promote NER as Agri Export Hub

APEDA (Agricultural and Processed Food Products Development and Authority) recently formulated a Strategy for the “promotion of Export of Agricultural and Horticulture products” from North-Eastern (NE) states of India.


  • APEDA has launched a platform in Assam, which will help the exporters to get products from producer group and processors, directly.
  • This platform will be linked among the producers & processors of Assam and exporters from across India. This move will expand the base of export pockets in NE states.

Agri-Exports from North-Eastern Region

The North-Eastern region of India is geopolitically significant, because it shares international boundaries with countries like Myanmar, Nepal, China, Bhutan, and Bangladesh. This region is a potential hub for Agri export to bordering countries and other destinations like Middle East, Europe and the UK. In last 6 years, this region witnessed a growth of 85.34 % in Agri export. In 2016-17, the region accounted for export of USD 2.52 million, which increased to USD 17.2 million in 2021-22.

MOVCD-NER programme

Central Government had launched “Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North East Region (MOVCD-NER)” in a bid to promote the region as Agri Export Hub. It was launched under “National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture”. It is a Central Sector Scheme. It has been implemented across Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Mizoram, Tripura and Sikkim. It is aimed at developing certified organic production in a value chain mode, in a bid to link growers and consumers.

Other initiatives by APEDA to promote export

1.   Virtual Buyer Seller Meet

APEDA had organised “Virtual Buyer Seller Meet” in coordination with Indian Embassy in different countries, amid covid-19 pandemic. During the meeting, APEDA pushed for export plans, with exporters from North-Eastern Region to source products like ginger, pineapple, orange and lemon.

2.   Trade Fairs

Apart from that, virtual trade fairs were held to provide for export of agri products to international market.

3.   Branding of Local Products

APEDA also extended its support to brand and promote the products including KIWI Wine, Joha Rice Pulao, Black Rice Kheer etc from the NER.

4.   Skill Development programmes

APEDA also held several skill developments programmes for manufacturers, exporters, and entrepreneurs in a bid to utilize local produce for value addition.



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