Stockholm+50 Conference -Highlights

On June 4, 2022, the Scientists, researchers and activists from across the world gathered in Stockholm. They were expected to issue a strong resolution for to phase out fossil fuels as well as to support developing nations in their transition to clean energy.

Key Points

  • This conference, was held to commemorate 50 years since the first meeting. The first meeting was held when the world confronted the idea initially that, development needs to be environmentally sustainable.
  • It involved scientists, researchers and activists.

Proposed resolutions

  1. United Nations system should “facilitate multilateral processes in a bid to ensure a just and equitable phase out of fossil fuels and finance for transition in achieving sustainable development and eradication of poverty”.
  2. Private sector to strengthen application of their creativity and innovation to solve sustainable development challenges, while respecting and promoting human rights, health standards and labour and environmental rights.

Concerns with the proposed resolution

  • The draft resolution doesn’t talk about sharing and distribution of public goods.
  • It does not mention “overconsumption” or “cutting back on consumption”, the main reasons of climate crisis.

Letter to fellow citizens

Recently, several climate, environment and social scientists wrote a letter, “to fellow citizens of Earth”, which was published in Journal Nature. It is similar to Menton Message, which was signed by 2,200 scientists, before 1972 Stockholm conference. It called for “attention of fellow beings” to the impending environmental crisis. The Menton Message highlighted issues of contamination and had called attention to hunger, population, overcrowding, and war. While, in 2022 letter, focus is on consumption and its impact.

What is Stockholm+50?

It is an international meeting, led by the United Nations General Assembly. It is a global treaty, that aims to protect human health and environment from the effects of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). It was recently held in June 2022, to commemorate 50 years since the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, that made environment a global issue for the first time.



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