Stock Market Concepts

  1. Account Closure – Investor Accounts
  2. Accounts Payable – Understanding the Liability and Its Importance
  3. Accounts Receivable in Investments: Basics of Asset and Its Importance
  4. Accrued Interest: Concept and Its Importance
  5. Acid Test Ratio: The Concept, Importance and Examples
  6. Acquisition of Shares and Control: Definition and Concept
  7. Adjustable Currency Pegging in Managed Exchange Rate Regime
  8. Adjusted Beta and Equity Beta
  9. Admission to Dealing Securities in a Stock Exchange
  10. Advance/Decline line
  11. American Depositary Receipts
  12. American Option
  13. Analyst
  14. Approved Intermediary
  15. Arbitrage in Trading
  16. Asset Allocation
  17. Asset Allocation Funds
  18. Asset based securitization
  19. Asymmetric information
  20. At Best
  21. Auction
  22. Auditor
  23. Authorized Assistants
  24. Authorized Capital
  25. Averaging
  26. Backwardation/Ulta Badla/Undha Badla
  27. Badla
  28. Bail out of issue
  29. Balance Sheet
  30. Balanced fund
  31. Bancassurance
  32. Banker to an issue
  33. Bankers acceptance
  34. Basis (Finance)
  35. Basis Point
  36. Basis Risk
  37. Bear
  38. Bear Hug
  39. Bear Trap
  40. Bearer Securities/Bearer Bonds
  41. Behavioral economics
  42. Bench Mark
  43. Benefit cost ratio
  44. Beta
  45. Bid
  46. Bid Spread
  47. Bilateral netting
  48. Blank Transfer
  49. Blue Sky Laws (U.S)
  50. Boiler Room (U.S)
  51. Bond
  52. Bonus Shares and Rights Share
  53. Book building process
  54. Book Closure
  55. Book Runner
  56. Book Value
  57. Boom
  58. Break
  59. Break Even Point
  60. Broad based Fund (sub account)
  61. Broker
  62. Broker dealer
  63. Brokerage
  64. Bucket Shop (U.S)
  65. Bucketing
  66. Bull
  67. Buoyancy in Stock Markets
  68. Butterfly spread
  69. Buyer’s Comparison Memo/Objection Statement
  70. Buying – In
  71. Call option
  72. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)
  73. Carry Over Margin
  74. Cash Settlement
  75. CDSC (Contingent deferred sales charge)
  76. CEDEL
  77. Central Listing Authority
  78. Chartist analysis
  79. Cheapest to Deliver Issue
  80. Churning
  81. Circuit Breaker
  82. Circular trading
  83. Clearing House
  84. Clearing member
  85. Close-ended Fund
  86. Close-out-netting
  87. Closing Out
  88. Coercive Tender Offer
  89. Collar Agreement
  90. Collateralised Mortgage Obligation (CMO)
  91. Collective Investment Management Company
  92. Collective Investment Schemes
  93. Common stock
  94. Composite issues
  95. Compulsory delisting
  96. Confirmation process
  97. Contract Note
  98. Control of management
  99. Conversion Ratio
  100. Convertible Bond
  101. Corners
  102. Corporate Governance
  103. Corporate raiders
  104. Correction
  105. Counter party risk
  106. Coupon
  107. Coupon Rate
  108. Covered warrant
  109. Credit rating
  110. Credit rating agency
  111. Credit Risk
  112. Cross collateralization
  113. Cross hedging
  114. Cross-Rate (U.S)
  115. Cumulative Preference Shares
  116. Current Liability
  117. Current Ratio
  118. Current Yield
  119. Dabba trading
  120. Daily Margin
  121. Daisy chain
  122. Dawn Raid (U.S.)
  123. Day Order
  124. Day Trader
  125. Debenture Trustee
  126. Debentures
  127. Deferred Futures
  128. Deferred net settlement
  129. Defined Benefit Plan
  130. Delisting of securities
  131. Delivery Order
  132. Delivery Price
  133. Demutualization
  134. Depository
  135. Depository participant (DP)
  136. Deregulation
  137. Derivative
  138. Derivative Market
  139. Dirty Price
  140. Disintermediation
  141. Diversification
  142. Dividend
  143. Dividend Notification
  144. Dotcom Stocks
  145. Dumping
  146. Dutch Auction
  147. EDGAR
  148. EDIFAR
  149. Effective Sale (U.S)
  150. Electronic fund transfer (EFT)
  151. Emerging Markets
  152. Employee Stock Option
  153. Entry Fee
  154. Escrow account
  155. Eurobond
  156. European Option
  157. EVA
  158. Ex {Finance}
  159. Ex-Right Date
  160. Exchange Rate Risk
  161. Exchange traded funds (ETF)
  162. Expected Return
  163. External Commercial Borrowings
  164. Extrinsic Value
  165. Face Value
  166. Fill or Kill (Fok) Order
  167. Financial crisis
  168. Firm allotment
  169. Flip-in
  170. Flip-Over
  171. Flip-over Poison Pill Plan
  172. Floating Rate Coupon
  173. Floor
  174. Flow back
  175. Foreign institutional investor
  176. Forward Contract
  177. Forward rate agreement:
  178. Free cash flow
  179. Free-rider Paradox
  180. Front Running
  181. Futures Contract
  182. Galla
  183. Gilt Edged
  184. Global Depository Receipts
  185. Golden Handcuffs (U.S)
  186. Golden Share
  187. Green shoe option
  188. Greenmail
  189. Growth Fund
  190. Gun Jumping (U.S.)
  191. Haircut
  192. Hedge
  193. Hedge Funds
  194. Herfindahl-Hirschman (HH) Index
  195. Horizontal spread
  196. Hostile Bid
  197. Hypothecation
  198. Implied Volatility
  199. In-the-Money
  200. Independent directors
  201. Index Fund
  202. Index futures
  203. Index option contracts
  204. Indexed asset
  205. Indian Depository Receipt
  206. Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  207. Insider trading
  208. Interdelivery spread
  209. Interest rate agreement
  210. Interest rate differential
  211. Interim Dividend
  212. Investment banker
  213. Investment Company
  214. Investment Profit
  215. ISIN
  216. Letter of offer
  217. Leveraged Buyout
  218. Liabilities
  219. Line Business
  220. Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF)
  221. Listed Company
  222. Listing Agreement
  223. Load
  224. Locked or Crossed Quotations (U.S)
  225. Long Position
  226. Manipulation of financial markets
  227. Margin
  228. Mark to market margin (MTM)
  229. Markdown
  230. Market capitalization
  231. Market if Touched (MIT)
  232. Market Maker
  233. Market Model
  234. Marketable Lot
  235. Markup
  236. Matched Transaction
  237. Maturity Value
  238. Merchant Banker
  239. Microcap fraud
  240. Moral Hazard
  241. Mortgage Trust
  242. Moving Average
  243. Multilateral netting
  244. Mutual Funds /Unit Trusts
  245. Narrowing the Spread
  246. NASDAQ (U.S.)
  247. National best bid and offer
  248. Net Asset Value (NAV)
  249. Net Liquid Assets
  250. Net worth
  251. Netting
  252. No load fund
  253. No-action Letter
  254. Noise trading
  255. Non Discriminatory Poison Pill
  256. Off Balance Sheet Risk
  257. Offer Document
  258. Offer period
  259. Offer Price
  260. Ombudsman
  261. Option (Finance)
  262. Option premium
  263. Option spread
  264. Optional Redemption
  265. Original Plan Poison Pill
  266. OTC (Over the Counter)
  267. Out of the money option
  268. Overtrading
  269. Ownership Flip-in Plan
  270. Paid in Capital
  271. Pari Passu
  272. Partial Tender Offer
  273. Participating Preference Shares
  274. Pay In/Pay Out
  275. Persons acting in concert (PAC)
  276. Pink Sheets
  277. Plain vanilla transactions
  278. Players
  279. Poison Pill (U.S.)
  280. Poison Put
  281. Ponzi Scheme
  282. Pooling
  283. Pools
  284. Poop and scoop
  285. Portfolio
  286. Portfolio investment
  287. Portfolio manager
  288. Preferential allotment
  289. Preferred Stock / Preference Shares
  290. Price discovery
  291. Price Earning Ratio
  292. Price rigging
  293. Price sensitive information
  294. Prime Rate
  295. Prospectus
  296. Proxy Battle
  297. Public Announcement
  298. Puffing Advertisement
  299. Pump and dump
  300. Purpose and Methods of Margin Collection by Stock Exchanges
  301. Put Option
  302. Put-Call Parity Relationship
  303. Quotation (U.S)
  304. Radar Alter (U.S)
  305. Random Walk Theory
  306. Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
  307. Record Date
  308. Registrar to an issue
  309. Regulation T/Regulation U (U.S)
  310. Regulatory arbitrage
  311. Repo Rate
  312. Repurchase price
  313. Reverse book building
  314. Role of a Financial Adviser in the Share Market
  315. Run
  316. Safe Harbor (U.S.)
  317. Saturday Night Special (U.S.)
  318. Scorched Earth Policy (U.S.)
  319. SEC (U.S.)
  320. Sector fund
  321. Securities Lending Scheme
  322. Securitization
  323. SEDAR
  324. Self clearing member
  325. Settlement Period
  326. Settlement risk (principal risk)
  327. Share transfer agent
  328. Shelf Registration (U.S.)
  329. Short position
  330. Short squeeze
  331. Single stock derivatives
  332. SIPC (Pronounced ‘Si-Pick’) (U.S.)
  333. Special Delivery
  334. Spin off
  335. Spoofing
  336. Spot Delivery Contract
  337. Stagflation
  338. Staggered Board (U.S.)
  339. Stakeholder
  340. Standard Price
  341. Stock dividend
  342. Stock exchange
  343. Stock lending
  344. Stock option
  345. Stock splits
  346. Straddle
  347. Straight through processing (STP)
  348. Sub broker
  349. Subaccount
  350. Swap
  351. Swap reversal
  352. Swaption
  353. Sweat equity
  354. Switching
  355. Synchronized or Pre-arranged trading
  356. Takeover panel
  357. Taligating
  358. Target Company
  359. Tender Offer
  360. Tombstone
  361. Tracking error
  362. Tracking Stock
  363. Trade netting
  364. Trading member
  365. Transaction statement
  366. Transfer Stamps
  367. Trust Deed
  368. Underwriter
  369. Underwriting
  370. Unit of trading
  371. Unmatched Transactions
  372. Unsystematic Risk
  373. Upstairs market
  374. Value at Risk (VAR)
  375. Vanishing companies
  376. Venture Capital
  377. Venture Capital Fund
  378. Venture Capital Undertaking
  379. Vesting
  380. Volatility
  381. Volume of Trading
  382. Warrant
  383. Wash sales
  384. What is Arbitration in Stock Exchanges?
  385. What is Asset stripping?
  386. White Knight (U.S.)
  387. Window Dressing
  388. Winner’s Curse
  389. Worst case scenario loss
  390. Writer
  391. X Dividend
  392. Yield to maturity (YTM)
  393. Yuppie Scam (U.S.)
  394. Zero Coupon Bond
  395. Zero coupon yield curve