Sri Lanka topped WBTi ranking, India at 78th Place

Sri Lanka has been ranked first among 97 countries on breastfeeding rate as per the new survey conducted by the World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi).

The World Breastfeeding Trends Initiative (WBTi) was launched in the year 2004 by the experts at the Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India, based in Delhi. 120 countries across the world have been involved in WBTi, as of now. The report stated that Sri Lanka had shown a greater commitment to the health and nutrition of mothers and babies. The country has scored 91 out of 100 points, based on its performance on ten indicators of policies and programs. WBTi congratulated Sri Lanka for working persistently since its first report in the year 2005 for achieving the status. Sri Lanka was followed by Cuba, Bangladesh, Gambia and Bolivia making the top five places in the ranking. India has been ranked at the 78th place with a score of 45. WBTi uses three color codes –Green, Blue, and Yellow to rank the countries, Srilanka the only country to receive the highest color code of Green.


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