SRI cultivation

SRI refers to System of Rice Intensification. This improved method of rice cultivation was developed in 1983 in Madagascar and has now spread to many parts of the world. The farmers across India are adopting System of Rice Intensification (SRI), as it gives equal or more produce than the conventional rice cultivation; with less water, less seed and less chemicals. SRI emphasizes on the need to shift from chemical fertilizers to organic manures. Increased soil aeration and organic matter helps in improving soil biology and thus helps in better nutrient availability. Pest incidence also reduces due to increased spacing, drastically reducing the need for pesticides. Non-chemical approaches to pest management are also being practiced by many farmers. Green manuring, Panchagavya (a formulation with cow urine based formulation) and other methods of fertility improvement are showing great potential in SRI. Sri is being promoted by the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) in various states.

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