South Asia Youth Peace Conference held in New Delhi

The three day South Asia Regional Youth Peace Conference was held in New Delhi as part 150th birth anniversary celebrations of father of nation Mahatma Gandhi. It was organised by Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and STEP (Standing Together to Enable Peace). It was inaugurated by Krishna G Kulkarni, great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.

South Asia Regional Youth Peace Conference

Its objective was to eliminate stereotypes, prejudices across all borders to understand micro-macro aspect of issues, identify common challenges and develop plan of action and to build network of youth leaders. It was also aimed to equip young leaders with skills and knowledge based on peace education, critical enquiry and socio-emotional learning as tool to engage with their peers. It also aimed to build a network of youth leaders and change-makers across South Asia who will join hands to address common challenging issues together.
It provided platform for young people of South Asia to further peace agenda in the region. About 100 youth leaders from South Asian countries and different parts of India had participated in to discuss different dimensions of ‘peace’. The countries represented include: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The conference had conversations on Gender, Food Security, Interfaith Harmony, Digital media, Art Democracy and other Dialogues.


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