Smart City Indicator Survey

The Ireland-based Johnson Controls Building Technologies and Solutions has released its report for the second annual smart city indicator survey. The survey tracks key drivers, organisational barriers, technology trends, and the status of smart city solution implementations around the world. The survey queried over 330 city leaders.
The survey was conducted in 20 countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, France and the United States, besides India.

Findings about India

  • The survey reports that about four per cent of buildings in India are “green” but a lack of technical expertise to execute projects and funding to pay for improvements is the biggest barriers to investment in India.

Green Building
Green building refers to both a structure and the application of processes which are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from planning to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition

  • India even though a slow starter is catching up. About 46 per cent of the organisations surveyed in India are willing to pay a premium to lease space in a green building.
  • India is on track to be consistent with the global average of 14 per cent.

The survey notes that cities are increasingly looking to implement applications that will improve sustainability and the environment while creating jobs, improving public safety and reducing costs.
The Survey also enumerated some of the key drivers in energy investments like greenhouse gas footprint reduction, increasing energy security and increasing building resilience.


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