Skill India partners with Ministry of Power for implementation of Saubhagya Scheme

The Ministry of Power has partnered with Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship to train the manpower in six states for speedy implementation of its Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojna (Saubhagya Scheme). These six states are Assam, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh.

Key Facts

Under this partnership, around 47,000 Distribution Lineman-Multi Skills and 8,500 Technical Helpers will be trained to meet the requirement of power sector projects under Saubhagya scheme. The training infrastructures will be available with ITI’s at district level as well as infrastructures available with State Power Distribution Utilities will be utilized for skill training of candidates ensuring successful implementation of scheme.

Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojna (Saubhagya Scheme)

Objective: To achieve universal household electrification in all parts of the country. The scheme primarily benefits rural areas, which have vast majority of households without power connections.
Funding: Total outlay of scheme is Rs. 16,320 crore of which Gross Budgetary Support (GBS) is Rs. 12,320 crore. It is being funded to extent of 60% by central grants, 30% by bank loans and 10% by states. Of total outlay of Rs 16,320 crore, rural areas will get Rs 14,025 crore. For urban households outlay is Rs. 2,295 crore. States will be provided with incentive of 50% of their loan being converted to grants, if electrification targets under the scheme are met by 31 December 2018.
Identification of beneficiaries: The government will use Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC) 2011 data to identify beneficiaries for free electricity connections. Un-electrified households not covered under SECC data will also be provided electricity connections on payment of Rs. 500 which will be recovered by DISCOMs in 10 installments through electricity bill.
Implementing agencies: The Rural Electrification Corporation Limited under Ministry of Power is nodal agency for the operationalisation of the scheme throughout the country. To ensure on-the-spot registration, mobile applications will be used. Gram Panchayat and public institutions in rural areas will be authorised to carry out billing and collection tasks.
Benefits: Free connections will be provided to below poverty line (BPL) households and even those not covered under this category can avail electricity connection by paying Rs. 500 in 10 instalments with their monthly bill. There will be no subsidy component for monthly electricity consumption.
Remote areas: For those household where national electricity grid cannot reach, households will be provided with solar power packs along with battery banks. Remote hamlets will be powered with solar panels along with 5 LED lamps, DC fan and plug point along with repair and maintenance for five years.


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