Sirsi Supari gets GI Tag

The Sirsi Supari of Karnataka has got the GI tag by the  Registrar of Geographical Indications. Sirsi Supari is the first product from the Arecanut sector to get a GI tag.


  • Sirsi Supari is cultivated in Yellapura, Siddapura and Sirsi taluks.
  • Sirsi Supari is medium in size, somewhat flat and rounded in shape, somewhat ash coloured, and has a hard seed which makes it unique.
  • The Arecanut grown in Yellapura, Siddapura and Sirsi taluks have unique features like a round and flattened coin shape, particular texture, size, cross-sectional views, taste, etc which are not seen in arecanut grown in any other regions.
  • The average dry weight is 7.5 g and average thickness is 16 mm.
  • Sirsi Supari has a unique taste due to differences in chemical composition and the total average flavonoids content in it is around 90 whereas in others it is around 80.

The process to obtain the GI tag was initiated some 6 years ago in 2013 and it took six years to get it owing to scientific research proof to be submitted to prove its uniqueness.

Geographical Indication

Geographical Indication defines the goods as originating in the territory of a country or a region or locality in that territory, provided a given quality reputation or other characteristics of the product are attributable to its geographical origin. The product to acquire GI tag has to indicate that a product of a particular origin has a certain quality or reputation or some other characteristics, which is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.


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