Significance of Good Governance

Kautilya in his treatise Arthashastra propounded the qualities of good governance by the ruling king as follows: In the happiness of his subject lies his happiness, in their welfare his welfare, whatever please himself he shall not consider good.

India follows republic, democratic and secular form of governance, and the values that are enshrined in our constitution. The term “governance” means a political unit for the functioning of policy-making for both the political and administrative units of Government. Good governance is based on the conviction that man has the ethical and rational ability, as well as the absolute right, to govern himself with motive and just. The concept of good governance is associated with capable and real administration in democratic set up.

In practical terms, there are three particular features of good governance that makes it significance in the working of the government.

  • First, the empowerment and capacity of government to frame and implement policies and discharge functions.
  • Second, the form of political will.
  • Third, the process by which authority is exercised in the management of country’s economic and social resources for development.

It also reflects the attitudes of the people towards the functioning of the so many agencies of the government. “Good” governance promotes gender equality, sustains the environment, enables citizens to exercise personal freedoms, and provides tools to reduce poverty, deprivation, fear, and violence. The UN views good governance as participatory, transparent and accountable. It encompasses state institutions and their operations and includes private sector and civil society organizations.

Good governance is significant in public institutions to conduct and manage public affairs and resources to guarantee human rights in free of abuse and corruption, and with due regard for the rule of law.

It is significant because it promises to deliver on the promise of human rights: civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. Good governance is thus, a function of installation of positive virtues of administration and elimination of vices of dysfunctionalities.

It makes the government work effective, credible and legitimate in administrative system and citizen-friendly, value caring and people-sharing.

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