Short Note : Amma Vodi

The “Amma Vodi” scheme is being implemented by the government of Andhra Pradesh.

What is Amma Vodi?

  • This scheme aims to give annual financial assistance of Rs. 15,000 to every mother who sends her child to school.
  • All mothers who have children studying up to the Intermediate standard will be eligible for the scheme.
  • All “white” ration card holding students of government schools, tribal welfare schools and private intermediate colleges will be eligible for assistance under the Amma Vodi.
  • The implementation of this scheme will encourage parents to send their children to schools and increase student enrollment in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Student Enrollment in India

  • In 2018 Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), the data showed that India has made massive progress in enrollment of children in the age group 6 to 14 years as the enrollment is now above 95%.
  • Significantly, for the first time ever, the number of children not enrolled in schools has gone below 3%.
  • Along with the negatives in the ASER report and vast improvement in the number of students enrolled in schools across the country, it was also noted that the infrastructure of the schools has seen some improvement.
  • The ASER survey also found out that only 27.2% of students studying in Class III students could read texts prescribed for Class II.
  • The skill of children in mathematics and the availability of physical education teachers were also found to be disappointing.

The ASER is prepared by the NGO Pratham.

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