Servants of India Society

Servants of India Society was founded on 12 June 1905 by Gopal Krishna Gokhale to build a dedicated group of people for social service and reforms. In the field of famine relief, union organisation, cooperatives and uplift of tribals and depressed, the Society did commendable work.

Gopal Krishna Gokhale was supported by a group of dedicated persons such as Gopal Krishna Deodhar, Anant Patwardhan, Natesh Appaji Dravid etc. The society worked in the fields of promotion of education, removal of untouchability, promotion of sanitation and healthcare etc. From 1911, it also published its newsletter titled “Hitavada” in English from Nagpur. The society still exists and has its headquarters in Pune.

1 Comment

  1. Dhiraj

    November 22, 2018 at 3:01 pm

    Founded in 1905 not in 1915,later is the year of death of founder GK gokhlae


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