September 9 : International Day to Protect Education from Attack

United Nations observed the International Day to Protect Education from attack on September 9, 2022.

Key Points

  • First ever ‘International Day to Protect Education from Attack’ was observed by United Nations on September 9, 2020.
  • This day was established by the adoption of UN General Assembly Resolution 74/275.
  • This resolution was presented by the State of Qatar and 62 co-sponsoring countries.

Co-facilitators of the day

In order to recognize the importance of raising awareness on the need to preserve education and protect it from any attack, UN resolution has designated UNESCO and UNICEF to serve as co-facilitators of the observance of this day annually. The resolution also asks stakeholders to keep this issue at the top international agenda and ask them to act for alleviating the plight of students affected by armed conflicts.

Why this day is observed?

This day is observed to raise awareness on the need to protect education from attack. The becomes significant because in most of the countries with armed conflicts, military uses schools and other educational institutions. As a result, students are deprived of their right of accessing quality education and teachers are deprived from the ability to deliver learning adequately.

Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA)

In past six years, GCPEA has collected over 13,400 reports of attacks on education or military use of educational facilities across the world. In such conflicts, more than 25,000 students, teachers, and academics got injured, killed, or harmed.



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