September 27: World Tourism Day

World Tourism Day is observed by the United Nations Organisations (UNO) on September 27, every year.

Theme of the day

In the year 2021, world tourism day was observed under the theme- ‘Tourism for Inclusive Growth’. This theme was designated by World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic had a massive social and economic impact on the developed as well as the developing economies. So, the organisation believes that, tourism will help in the recovery and growth of the economies.

Significance of tourism sector

As per official website of United Nations Organisations (UNO), tourism is the most important economic sectors that employs and provide livelihood to one in every tenth person on Earth. In several countries, tourism represent more than 20 per cent of their GDP. The constant growth of the tourism sector in the last six decades reflects more progressive access towards tourism because of declining cost of transport and growth of middle classes worldwide.


UNWTO had instituted the World Tourism Day during a meeting that took place in Spain. This meeting commenced first celebration of the day in the year 1980. September 27 was chosen as the date to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the UNWTO Statutes. UNWTO statutes were adopted on September 27, 1970.

Tourism amid covid-19

As per UNO, biggest crisis in the history of tourism was witnessed during 2020-2021. The international tourist arrivals were 85 per cent lesser as compared to tourism is 2019. It witnessed a drop of 65 per cent in 2020, in between January and May. However, despite a small revival in May 2021, emergence of new COVID-19 variants & continued restrictions are slowing the recovery of international travel. Though, domestic tourism has rebounded in many parts of the globe.


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