September 16: World Ozone Day

World Ozone Day or the International Day for preservation of Ozone Layer was observed on September 16, 2021 across the world.


This day is celebrated every year and is dedicated to a cause which might not be visibly relevant but is important for the protection of the ozone layer.


  • World Ozone Day was proclaimed by United Nations General Assembly in 1994, after signing of the Montreal Protocol.
  • Montreal Protocol on Substances depleting the ozone layer was signed by almost every country in 1987.

Significance of the day

This day is significant in the light of depleting Ozone Layer. Ozone is the fragile layer of gas that protects people from harmful cosmic rays. But people have itself became a threat to the natural paradigm of the Earth. Thus, this day is celebrated with the objective of curbing all human-led ozone-depleting substances.

Theme of the Day

Theme of the day in year 2021 is “Montreal Protocol – Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool”. This theme is selected to highlight the long-term results of 35-year-old Montreal protocol, which is the first ever protocol to be ratified by all the 197 members of the United Nations.

India’s efforts

Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change initiated “India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP)” in 2019. This action plan aims to provide an integrated vision towards reducing refrigerant transition, curbing cooling demand and enhancing energy efficiency. The ICAP aligns with the international theme of the day in 2021.

About Montreal Protocol

It was a deal for countries to curb the existence of all ozone-depleting substances like chlorofluorocarbon aerosols, halons, etc. that are widely used for cooling and refrigeration purposes. The usage of these harmful substances had resulted in a hole in the ozone layers in Antarctica. This hole was discovered in 1970 and led to acute global warming in past 20 years.


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