US to sell C-17 Globemaster Transport Aircraft to India

US has decided to sell one C-17 transport aircraft to India.
US and India have built a close defence relationship in recent years. The US along with Russia and Israel has emerged as a top three arms supplier to India.

Salient Facts

The sale of USD 366.2 million C-17 transport aircraft manufactured by Boeing also includes one Missile Warning System, one Countermeasures Dispensing System, one Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Transponder and precision navigation equipment.  This proposed sale is expected to improve the capability of India to meet current and future strategic airlift requirements as the country lies in a region prone to natural disasters. It will also provide additional capability for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. In addition, India will be able to provide more rapid strategic combat airlift capabilities for its armed forces.
The proposed sale is expected to improve the capability of India to meet current and future strategic airlift requirements as the country lies in a region prone to natural disasters. It will also provide additional capability for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. In addition, India will be able to provide more rapid strategic combat airlift capabilities for its armed forces.
At Present, India is using C-17 aircraft and according to Pentagon, the sale of this aircraft will not alter the basic military balance in the region. The Boeing C-17A Globemaster III military airlift aircraft is one of the most flexible cargo aircraft of the US Air Force fleet. The aircraft is capable of strategic delivery of up to 170,900 pounds of personnel and/or equipment to operating locations. In addition, the aircraft is capable of short field landings with a full cargo load.
The Boeing C-17A Globemaster III military airlift aircraft is one of the most flexible cargo aircraft of the US Air Force fleet. The aircraft is capable of strategic delivery of up to 170,900 pounds of personnel and/or equipment to operating locations. In addition, the aircraft is capable of short field landings with a full cargo load. The aircraft will have a fully integrated electronic cockpit and advanced cargo delivery system. It can carry out tactical airlift and airdrop missions as well as transport litters and ambulatory patients.
The aircraft will have a fully integrated electronic cockpit and advanced cargo delivery system. It can carry out tactical airlift and airdrop missions as well as transport litters and ambulatory patients.


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