Second Round of Quarterly Employment Survey

The Union Ministry of Labour and Employment recently released the second round of Quarterly Employment Survey. According to the survey, nine sectors hired two lakh people. This accounted to 85% of the total employment of the country. The survey was for the period July to September 2021.

Key Findings of the Survey

  • The total employment in the nine sectors are 3.10 crores. This is two lakhs higher than the employment in the first round. The first round of the survey was held between April and June, 2021.
  • 90% of the establishments had less than hundred workers. 30% of the BPO and IT sector had at least hundred workers.
  • The number of female workers in the country were 32.1% of the total workers. It was 29.3% in the first round.
  • 20% of the workers were contractual in the construction sector. Also, 6.4% were casual.
  • Around 5.6% of the establishments in the country reported vacancies. This was around 4.3 lakhs. However, the reasons of vacancies were not specified. The vacancies were created due to resignation. And 11.7% of the vacancies were created due to retirement of employees.

What are the nine major sectors that contributed to the employment?

Construction, Manufacturing, Education, Transport, Trade, Restaurants, Accommodation, financial services and IT/BPOs.

Other Three Surveys

The ministry is also conducting three other surveys. They are survey on migrant labours, domestic workers survey and area based employment survey.

What is Quarterly Employment Survey?

It assesses the employment situation in organisations with ten or more workers. This is mainly from the above mentioned nine sectors. The survey provides following information:

  • Gender – wise data
  • Number of vacancies
  • Nature of Employment


Employment is the most crucial indicator of economic growth of a country. Also, it is a measure of policy implementation. QES ensures that high quality data is available for the policy makers.

Difference between QES and Labour Force Survey

The QES is a part of All India Quarterly Establishment based Employment Survey. It focuses on demand side. On the other hand, the labour force survey focuses in supply side of the labour market.



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