Scientists model Saturn’s interior structure

The scientists at the John Hopkins University have simulated the interior of the Saturn. The simulations say that a thick layer of Helium rain influence the magnetic field of the planet.


Saturn stands out in the Solar system as its magnetic field is almost perfectly symmetrical around its rotational axis. The Cassini Mission of NASA helped scientists to understand the deep interior of the planet where the magnetic field is generated.

About the Simulations

The scientists have created two powerful computer simulations of the magnetic field of NASA based on the data from the Cassini mission. The simulations will help the scientists measure the rate at which Saturn rotates. This has been one of the several problems that vexed (difficult) scientists for decades.

Interior of the Saturn

The center of Saturn is a dense core of metals such as iron and nickel. This dense core is surrounded by rocky materials. Further it is enveloped by liquid metallic hydrogen inside a layer of liquid hydrogen. Its core is almost similar to the core of the Jupiter but considerably smaller.


Cassini is a joint space mission of European Space Agency, NASA and Italian Space Agency. It was called Cassini-Huygens mission. The Cassini space probe entered the orbit of Saturn and the Huygens of the European Space Agency landed on the Titan (the largest moon of Saturn). Cassini was the first space probe to enter the orbit of the Saturn and the fourth space probe to visit Saturn.


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