Scientists at IIT Delhi Develops Cheapest Respiratory Filter

Scientists at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi have developed the device ‘Nasofilters’ which is capable of restricting up to 95% of dust and air pollutants. Involving a cost of Rs 10, it is the cheapest naso filter available. The nano-respiratory filter is now ready for commercialisation. The researchers involved in the project was recently awarded with the “National Startups Award” by President Pranab Mukherjee.

Salient Features

The Nasofilter employs an incredible filter technology that gives protection against the finest particulate pollutants especially the PM2.5 concentration. It offers protection for at least eight hours and therefore helps in reducing the risk of respiratory diseases.
The device has an assembly of millions of small-sized pores that creates a thin flexible membrane capable of  capturing very small particles with high efficiency. The design of the filter provides good breathability and comfort.
The filter is capable of getting struck with the user’s nasal orifice and would prevent the entry of foreign particulate matter like PM2.5 particles, bacteria and pollen allergens.


According to a new study of global air pollution issued jointly by Health Effects Institute, a Boston research institute, India’s rapidly worsening air pollution has surpassed that of China’s to become the deadliest in the world. About 1.1 million people die prematurely each year in India which is an alarming increase of nearly 50% of premature deaths between 1990 and 2015 period.
Particulate Matters are fine particles, less than fraction of the width of a human hair. These particles are released from vehicles, particularly those with diesel engines, industries, as well as from natural sources. They enter the bloodstream through the lungs, and increases the risk of stroke, heart failure and cardiac disease. in addition it also results in severe respiratory problems, like pneumonia and asthma.


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