Schemes for Development of Cattle and Dairy Farming

The government schemes for development of cattle and dairy farming are as follows:

Rashtriya Gokul Mission

The Rashtriya Gokul Mission was launched in 2014 for conservation and development of indigenous breeds in a focused and scientific manner. The mission also envisages establishment of integrated cattle development centres “Gokul Grams” to develop indigenous breeds including upto 40% nondescript breeds. The mission is a focused project under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development. The key objectives of this scheme include:

  • Development and conservation of indigenous breeds
  • To undertake breed improvement programme for indigenous cattle breeds with an objective to improve genetic makeup and increase the stock
  • To enhance milk production and productivity
  • To upgrade nondescript cattle using elite indigenous breeds like Gir, Sahiwal, Rathi, Deoni, Tharparkar, Red Sindhi
  • To distribute disease free high genetic merit bulls for natural service.

National Programme for Bovine Breeding

This programme is being implemented for enhancing productivity of the milch animals through extension of Artificial Insemination (AI) coverage. This is done through establishment of Multi Purpose AI Technicians in Rural India (MAITRIs); strengthening of existing AI centres; monitoring of AI etc.

National Mission on Bovine Productivity

National Mission on Bovine Productivity was launched in November 2016 with the aim of enhancing milk production and productivity and thereby making dairying more remunerative to the farmers. There are several components of this scheme as follows:

Pashu Sanjivni

Pashu Sanjivni component includes identification of animals in milk using UID, issuing health cards to all animals in milk and uploading data on INAPH data base.

  • Under this component, milk producing animals have been identified and their data has been uploaded on Information Network on Animal Health and Productivity (INAPH) data base.
  • 88 million milk producing animals out of 300 million cattle and buffaloes are being identified using polyurethane tags with 12 digit unique identification (UID) number. The purpose of the exercise is to improve vaccination practices, and ensure that scientific interventions can be made to improve both breeding and milk production.

This scheme is touted to be crucial for control and spread of animal diseases, scientific management of animals, enhanced production and productivity, improvement in quality of livestock & livestock products, increase in trade of livestock and livestock products by meeting out sanitary and phtyosanitory issues.

Advance reproductive Technique

Under this component, sex sorted semen production  facility is being created at 10 A graded semen stations and 50 Embryo Transfer Technology Labs with IVF facilities are being created in the country

E-Pashu Haat Portal

The e-pashu haat portal has been launched in November 2016 for linking farmers and breeders of indigenous breeds. The e-Pashuhaat portal provides detailed information to farmers about bovine animals. Farmers by accessing this portal can get to know information about certified animals, its parents’ information, breeding, the volume of milk given by bovine animal etc. The portal is expected to propagate high genetic merit germplasm, which is highly needed at this juncture with continuous decline in milk productivity. The portal minimises the involvement of middlemen and facilitates direct links between ‘farmer to farmer’ and ‘farmer to institutes’.

Establishment of National Bovine Genomic Centre for Indigenous Breeds(NBGC-IB)

The NBGC-IB is being established for enhancing milk production and productivity through genomic selection among indigenous breeds.

National Kamdhenu Breeding Centres

Under this scheme, the government is establishing two National Kamdhenu Breeding Centres – first in Andhra Pradesh for southern region and second in in Madhya Pradesh for northern region of the country with the aim of development and conservation of indigenous breeds in a scientific manner and thereby enhancing milk production and productivity.

National Dairy Plan

National Dairy Plan-I a world Bank assisted project being implemented in 18 major dairy States with aim of enhancing milk production and productivity in order to meet demand of milk in the country through strengthening of semen stations; bull production programme (progeny testing and pedigree selection), ration balancing programme etc.

Subordinate Organizations

Government has also established three subordinate organizations as follows:

  • Central Cattle Breeding Farms (CCBFs)
  • Central Herd registration Scheme
  • Central Frozen Semen Production & Training Institute.

These organizations are also undertaking genetic upgradation of milch animals through supply of disease free high genetic merit bulls for semen production and natural service for use in the breeding programme being implemented by the States.

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