SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for 2022

The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize was recently bestowed to Yunqing Tang – an Assistant Professor at the University of California.

Key facts

  • The SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for 2022 was conferred to Yunqing Tang for her works in arithmetic and geometry of modular curves and Shimura varieties.
  • Tang was recently involved in a joint research on modular equation in collaboration with Frank Calegari and Vesselin Dimitrov. This research is closely linked to Indian Mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan’s work.
  • Yunqing Tang is a Chinese-born Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley.
  • She completed her B.Sc in Peking University in 2011, after which she received her PhD in Harvard in 2016 under the guidance of Mark Kisin.
  • SASTRA Ramanujan Prize will be conferred to Tang at the International Conference on Number Theory, which will be held from December 20 to 22 this year at SASTRA University

About SASTRA Ramanujan Prize

The prestigious award was instituted by the Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA) in the year 2005. It includes a cash prize of 10,000 USD. The award recognizes individuals aging 32 and below who have made significant contributions in the field of mathematics that is broadly influenced by Srinivasa Ramanjuan. The first to receive this award was Manjul Bhargava and Kannan Soundararajan.

Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?

Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician who made major contributions to mathematics despite lacking formal training in the field. He made notable breakthroughs in mathematical analysis, infinite series, number theory and continued fractions. He solved mathematical problems that were previously thought to be unsolvable. Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887 and passed away at the age of 32 on April 26, 1920. During his short life, Ramanujan compiled nearly 3,900 results, mostly identities and equations. Most notable of them are Ramanujan prime, the Ramanujan theta function, mock theta functions and partition formulae.

Who won the SASTRA Ramanujan Prize 2022?

Yunqing Tang – an Assistant Professor at the University of California

Why SASTRA Ramanujan Prize for 2022 was conferred to Yunqing Tang?

For her works in arithmetic and geometry of modular curves and Shimura varieties.

Which body provides SASTRA Prize?

Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA)

Who was Srinivasa Ramanujan?

Indian mathematician who made major contributions to mathematics despite lacking formal training in the field.



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