Sanjay Pratihar bags INSA Medal for Young Scientist

Sanjay Pratihar, a scientist at Assam’s Tezpur University, has been selected for the prestigious Indian National Science Academy (INSA) medal for the Young Scientist Award, 2017, for his contribution to “multi-metal complexes, theoretical understanding, selective sensing of Hq2+ions and important applications in agriculture”. Sanjay Pratihar has done his PhD in Organometallic Chemistry from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Much of his research work focused on the re-source-efficient design of products and processes which entails maximum utilization of all the products or processes as far as possible.
Sanjay Pratihar had earlier received ‘DST-INSPIRE Faculty’ award in 2012.  The INSA award consists of a bronze medal and a cash award of Rs. 25,000. The award will be presented during INSA’s anniversary meeting scheduled to be held in December.

INSA Medal for Young Scientist

The INSA medal was instituted in 1974 by the Indian National Science Academy. Since then, the medal is awarded annually to honour talented young Indian scientists in recognition of their outstanding contributions in science or technology. The award is considered to be the highest recognition of promise, creativity and excellence in a young scientist. Till date, more than 700 young scientists have been recognised by the INSA awards.


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