Saimaa Seals

The winter of 2019-20 was the warmest for Finland. This is posing a threat to the Saimaa Ringed Seal population.

Lake Saimaa

Lake Saimaa is a freshwater lake located in south-east Finland. It is one of the largest freshwater lakes in Europe. The Vuoksi River flows from this lake. It is the home to several endangered species like the Saimaa Ringed Seal, Saimaa Salmon, etc.

Saimaa Ringed Seals

It is one of the most endangered species of seals in the world. It is found only in Lake Saimaa region (endemic to the region). There are only about 400 individuals of the species left. It is one of the few freshwater seal species in the world apart from the Baikal Seal and the Ladoga Seal.

Threats to the Species

One of the biggest threats to the seals is climate change. The warming climate has led to decrease in snow cover. The female seals need snow and ice for giving birth. The pups are usually sheltered in lairs dug into snow drifts. Decreasing snow cover means the females give birth to the pups on open ice, exposing them to the cold and predators like red fox. Other threats include entanglement in fishing nets.

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