Sach-Gaurav: India's first cloned Assamese buffalo born

The Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes (CIRB) has claimed that India’s first cloned Assamese buffalo male calf named Sach-Gaurav was born in Hisar, Haryana. It was born to Murrah buffalo, at Hi Tech Sach Dairy Farm, 100 kms from cloning laboratory, making it first buffalo calf to be born in field.

Key Facts

Animal cloning is an excellent reproductive tool for conservation and multiplication of selected superior animals of buffalo breeds. This is second cloned male buffalo produced by ICAR-CIRB after Hisar-Gaurav, born in December 2015.
The Sach-Gaurav calf was produced unique methods and was delivered through normal delivery. The birth weight of calf was 54.2 kgs and it was in good health. It had normal physiological parameters and blood profile. The genotype of calf was confirmed by microsatellite analysis (parentage verification) and chromosome analysis.
The small tissue of Assamese buffalo was airlifted from Veterinary College, Khannapara, Guwhati, 2000 km away from cloning laboratory in Hisar to culture establish donor cells. Its embryos were transported for about two hours before being transferred into recipient mothers. The ovaries of Murrah buffaloes were used as source of recipient oocytes.


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