Rs 2000 Crore from PM CARES Fund allocated for 50,000 Made-in-India Ventilators

The Government of India on its way to create an AtmaNirbhar Bharat had allocated Rs 2000 crore for 50,000 Made-in-India ventilators. The entire sum of Rs 2000 crore was allocated from PM CARES Fund Trust.

These ventilators will be supplied to various government-run COVID hospitals based on priority across the country. To date, a total of 1340 ventilators have already been delivered out of 2923 that have been manufactured. A total of 14,000 ventilators will be delivered by 30th June to various government-run COVID hospitals across the country. Out of the total 50,000 ventilators, 30,000 will be manufactured by the state-owned company- Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL).

PM CARES Fund for Migrant Labourers

From PM CARES Fund, a sum of Rs 1000 crore was also released for the welfare (arranging food, accommodation, medical treatment, etc) of migrant labourers in the country.  Maharashtra with Rs 181 crore was the highest recipient for this sum followed by Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu with Rs 103 and Rs 83 crore respectively.


Prime Ministers Citizen Assistance and Relief in Emergency Situations (PM CARE) Funds is a dedicated national fund that was created on 28th March 2020. The fund was created for raising funds for providing help to the affected during any sort of distress situation or emergency (such as COVID-19 pandemic) in the country.


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