Risa in the Culture of Tripura

The Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb recently wore “Risa” on Kokborok Day. The Chief Minister of late has made Risa, his style statement. The Government of Tripura is to promote Risa at national and international level.

What is Risa?

  • Risa is the traditional dress of Tripura. Risa is worn by both men and women of Tripura.
  • The dress for women in the upper half of the body has two parts namely Risa and Rikutu. Risa covers the chest part and rikutu covers the whole upper part. The dress of women that covers the lower half of the body is called Rigwani or Rignai.
  • Each clan of Tripura has their own “Rignai” pattern and design. The clans of Tripura are identified based on the Rignai.
  • Men of Tripura use Risa for head turban and also for tying the waist over Dhuti. When men wear Risa, it gives them strength and indicates the status of the person. It is also used as muffler in winter season.
  • Risa is also used in Tripura culture to hold baby.
  • “Risa Sormani” is an adolescent ceremony of a Tripuri girl child. On this day, the 12-14 year old girl is given risa to wear for the first time.

History of Risa

  • The history of Tripuri attire originated before Manikya kings’ rule.
  • In ancient period, the intelligence of a woman in the community was judged based on her woven Risa and Rignai designs.
  • The Manikya king Maharaj Trilochana had invented 250 Rignai and Risa designs for his 250 wives. However, most of these designs were lost with passage of time. The Tripura Government is therefore trying to promote Risa and other traditional attire of Tripura.

Kokborok Day

Kokborok Day is celebrated in Tripura to celebrated the development of Kokborok language. Every year, the day is observed on January 19. The Kokborok is the official language of Tripura. January 19 was chosen to celebrate Kokborok Day as the language was recognized as an official language on this day in 1979.


1 Comment

  1. Dr.Cajetan Coelho

    January 26, 2021 at 4:04 pm

    Traditional dresses in Tripura, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal, Nagaland and Sikkhim are unique and add to the wealth of dressing styles and habits of Indians.


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