Revised Version of Swachhata Application launched to fight COVID-19

On April 9, 2020, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs launched a revised version of Swachhata application. The application was launched at a video conferencing held with states and union territories.

Why Swachhta Application?

The Application has more than 1.7 crore urban users all over the country, Therefore, the reach is faster. It has separate grievance redressal tool to address complaints of Swachh Bharat Mission.

About the Modified Version

The modified version of the application has new categories added to it. They are request for sanitation during COVID-19, reporting suspected cases, reporting violation of quarantine and lock down, requesting medicine during COVID-19, requesting food, shelter and request of waste pick up.

With its high popularity in the urban areas, the application will help the migrant workers greatly. There are still several migrant workers that are stranded in Maharashtra, KAranataka, Gujarat. They were locked down within their respective migrated states to prevent the mass spread of the virus.


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