Researchers at University of British Columbia develops a specialized microscope that can diagnose skin cancer & perform surgeries

The researchers at University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada have developed a specialized microscope that has the potential to diagnose diseases like skin cancer as well as perform precise surgery without making any incisions in the skin. According to the study published in the journal Science Advances, the microscope allows medical professionals to pinpoint the exact location of an abnormality, diagnose it and treat it instantly. This technology will make possible to scan tissue quickly, and when they see a suspicious or abnormal cell structure, they can perform ultra-precise surgery and selectively treat the unwanted or diseased structure within the tissue. It could be used to treat any structure of the body that can be reached by light and requires extremely precise treatment, including nerves or blood vessels in the skin, eye, brain or other vital structures. The study shows that the device allows imaging of living tissue up to about one millimetre in depth using an ultrafast infrared laser beam.

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