Report on Central and State Water Departments based on Efficiency Targets: Gujarat leads

The Ministry of Jal Shakti recently launched rankings of Central and state governmental water departments based on their efficiency targets. According to the report, Gujarat topped the ranking and Delhi was pushed to the last.


Among the seven central government departments, Survey of India topped the list followed by National Institute of Hydrology and Central Water Commission. The Central Pollution Control Board received the lowest rank.

In 2018, Telangana received the top most rank and Gujarat was at seventh position. On the Delhi, that had received 35th rank in 2018 was pushed to the bottom most, which is 41.

Tamil Nadu was the best performer among all the states. The state was at 33rd position in 2018 and has been pushed to 13th rank this time. Rajasthan that was ranked 16th in 2018 was awarded the best water management status. This was mainly because, Rajasthan had set up SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), a computer system that gathers and analyzes real time data.

Aim is the ranking

The ranking was done as a part of mid-term review of the central and state government departments. It also aims to create Water Resource Information System (WRIS) in all states. This will help to create real time NWIC (National Water Information Centre).

Performance parameters

The departments and states were ranked based on real-time data acquisition, analytical work, procurement, data digitization, trainings, updating MIS and analytical work. Based on these parameters, the government agency was awarded with a score between 0 and 100.


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